Urban Gardening in Harare, Zimbabwe
This blog will analyze the relationship between agriculture, food supply,
and wet waste disposal/reuse in subsistence urbanities.
Sub Saharan Africa has...
Sustainable Spheres
The international community is on the edge of science as pure imagination
is fast becoming reality. The continuous growth of technological advances
allows ...
The Urban Fabric of Post-Apartheid Africa
*-Hourmazd Farhadi-*
Since the abolition of Apartheid in 1994, the South African government has
been saddled with the job of redeeming the social and ur...
Wasted Energy in Food Production
There is an interesting interplay between the energy it takes to grow
food, and the process in which food gets to people who actually eat it. *For
just on...
The Problem of Knowing
This topic occupies a space in mental geography which is not terribly close
to architecture. It is important, but one might say it is several valleys
Roof Catchment Rainwater Harvesting Systems
The Region of Waterloo has taken to organizing Rain Barrel Distribution
Events every April. Over the course of eight years, they've sold 34,000
rain barrel...
A Biointensive Approach to Urban Agriculture
The Bio-intensive method
It is an organic agricultural system which focuses on maximum yields from
the minimum area of land, while simultaneously improving...
Vertical Farming
A nearly space age concept; skyscrapers dedicated to farming in city
environments. These colossal structures would be the ultimate merger
between farming...
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