Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Referencing References

Courtesy of Don, the following comes from a remarkably good little guide to citing sources:

Checkmate pocket guide
By Joanne Buckley
Available from Thompson/Nelson


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

White One


White One:
Stanley Sun
Stephanie Fleming
Iggy So
Megan Baker
Sam Eby
Nathan Tung
Desiree Geib

If the world were a village of 100 people, 50 of us would be malnourished, and one would be dying of starvation. There is a constant struggle to try to make the food industry meet the needs of the world population. Our culture’s large energy consumption and use of fossil fuels has reduced international food production as well as the part of the economy tied to the food industry. The processes used in the food industry have also contributed to the effects fossil fuels have on our environment. We need to find methods to decrease the amount of energy consumed by the growth, production, and transportation of food, thereby protecting our economy and the food industry.

Source: http://www.familycare.org

Monday, November 2, 2009

Red Three


"Examining water, agriculture, and wet waste"

In the year 2050 it is projected that there will be 9.1 billion human beings on the planet, each person requiring 13.2 gallons of water a day to assure survival and meet basic needs; sanitation, bathing, cooking. Currently 884 million people lack access to safe water, mostly in developing countries. These countries lack the large scale infrastructure necessary to distribute water adequately and will be burdened with almost all of the projected population increases. These countries also lack infrastructure systems adequate to deal with wet waste disposal and to support agriculture. Large scale infrastructure is expensive and it is extremely unlikely that it will see significant developments. For this reason a move to on site methods of water and wet waste treatment will be necessary to support the growing population, in terms of sanitation, availability of potable water, and agriculture. This group blog will identify strategies for water conservation and reuse as well as how theses systems and methods can be combined with more effective wet waste disposal and efficient agricultural practices. Irrigation practices are evaluated and compared to real world irrigational issues in Jordan. Water reuse and wet waste disposal issues are also studied providing methods of effectively treating waste water for reuse agriculturally; real world applications in Peru are discussed. Additionally, Biogas digesters are an alternative waste treatement method that is investigated illustrating opportunities to dispose and reuse waste efficiently, applicable once again agriculturally. Finally, water supply and agricultural issues in mexico city are evaluated and possible solutions are investigated.

Red Two

Our group is...


We're discussing shelter, transportation, and water.

An urban area is a place with high population density. Rather obviously, a skyline made up of tall, closely-spaced buildings usually marks the nucleus of urbanity. Housing is densely arranged, and as infrastructure is built, there is little land left for construction. Essentially, urban areas are characterized by their unique shelters, and the people that occupy them. This gathering of people in a centralized area is driven by basic life-instincts. Why do we move or migrate? We move to seek a better life, whether through more rewarding careers, better education, improved services or a more stable and safer environment.

Water is an important symbol for urbanization and life. After all, early settlers built their homes near water for survival. The transition from agriculture to urban dwelling is closely tied to essential resources, and the ways we access them. Developments in transportation enabled this change from small communities, to large cities, to metropolitan areas. Without any of these factors, development comes to a halt, and people cannot come together to live as one. We depend on each other to survive and in this exercise - Urban Survival Kit: The File - we will examine how shelter, water and transportation are needed to survive in subsistence urbanity.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Red One Group


Check out our posts on:

Agriculture, Wet Waste Disposal, and Food

This blog looks at the technology and theory of agriculture, food, and wet-waste disposal in an urban context. It is a consideration and reconsideration of how these systems, essential to survival of urbanism, are constructed.

The Hierarchy of Help

  1. Read the course outline (if you don't have this, skip to step 5, make a copy, return to step 1)
  2. Read hand-outs from class (ditto)
  3. Read e-mails (and attachments) from your prof
  4. Read e-mails (and attachments) from your TA
  5. Ask your friends
  6. Ask someone else from the class who seems to know what's going on
  7. Ask your TA
  8. Ask your prof

White 3

White Three Group Blog: http://arch100w3.blogspot.com/

Centering around the topic of shelter, innovations in water and agriculture technology have forged a new path in architecture. With populations increasing worldwide, we've been forced to deal with emerging slums which can't be viably sustained in the face of increasing global warming and rising water levels. Urban design has taken on a new goal: that of balancing overpopulation with our environment.

White Two

White Two Group Blog: http://arch100-w2.blogspot.com/

Welcome to White 2's Weblog - a compilation of our team's research into the role of energy and its relationship to food and shelter in subsistence urbanity.


Blue 2 Group Blog: http://blue2arch100.blogspot.com/

Subtopics: Water, Shelter